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Genre: dark fantasy, psychological, adventure, drammatic.


Synopsis:  Year X164. World of Foolsense, in the Kingdom of Marigold.
Sherry, a young Royalis, driven by a strong desire for redemption, is intent on changing the past.
The Archetype, as magic is called, has only appeared 164 years ago and there is little information about it and the possibility of time travel. Therefore Sherry enters Marigold University to gain access to its library, where in a book she discovers the existence of an Antiquities capable of taking her back in time: it can only be used once and whoever uses it will "lose themselves". It has the appearance of a compass and is kept in the mansion of the Basileus of the Kingdom, Lord Vincent Lancastell, who is hosting the start of the academic year ceremony that week and seems the perfect opportunity to get hold of it.
However, Sherry soon realises that the compass works in a bizarre way and that she is not the only one who wants to use it ...

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